Welcome to Paws Only Grooming Salon Spa & Boutique, the desire and dream of Rae Wong! Paws Only is an expert service offering caring, gentle and exquisite grooming style to your taste and your pawtners style and breed. Making you and your pawtners experience 100% relaxing and feeling calm and safe in Rae’s expert care.
Rae started her professional career in Hotel and Tourism Management, and after 10 years of work and the arrival of her first puppy Fay Fay, a beautiful little Maltese cross Shit Tzu, with only a desire to give her new best friend the very best care, it was time for a change.
Working hard in some of Brisbane’s better salons and only being able to wash and dry dogs, watching them being passed in and out of cages, it was time to better her skills and return to Hong Kong to get International training and develop her own style – not just a shaver, but something with style and personality.
Returning from Hong Kong with a newfound passion, drive & skill, she set about taking care of every dog she meets and soon fell into fostering caring dogs & cats and was soon taking care of many different personalities and fostering failing on a few occasions as well. Which bought Georgie Boy into her life… Old, slinky, no fur, heart problems & so on. But with extra love and dedication, he smelt like a puppy again and little by little his fur returned and when he finally passed away he was back to a handsome senior. Rae still works with Little Legs Cats & Dogs Rescue to this day offering free washes and clip to any new fosterees.
Continuing to study and entering many competitions, Rae continued to toil, having the privilege of working with Brisbane’s newer ‘Cage Free’ salons, she could finally see what a salon should be, an almost Joyful, Relaxing experience for everyone, dogs owner and groomer.
After much looking and almost giving up, K9 Klips & Snipz become available with all the Good Bones in place, No Cages, one dog at a time and a Beautiful Spot. All that was needed was a personal touch and ‘Paws Only’ became more than a Dream.
Now Rae’s focus and drive are to provide nothing but professional caring service at to every Pawed Pawtner that comes through the door. A level that has not been seen of expected before.